Adams County, Aurora and other communities near DIA, voted unanimously in favor of amending a 1988 agreement with the city of Denver that allowed Denver to annex the land for the airport and build it.
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1. 1AMENDMENT TO 1988 ANNEXATION AND INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENTS ON ANEW AIRPORTFinal Term SheetJune 3, 2015I. Approval process and timingA. An Amendatory IGA reflecting the terms set forth herein will be approved by the governingbodies of Denver and Adams County, with the current municipal members of the AirportCoordinating Committee (the “ACC”) also approving the Amendatory IGA as third-partybeneficiaries, no later than July 1, 2015. The current municipal members of the ACC are: Aurora,Commerce City, Brighton, Thornton and Federal Heights. The Amendatory Agreement will, inone document, modify or supplement certain provisions of both the “IntergovernmentalAgreement on Annexation” and the “Intergovernmental Agreement on a New Airport” datedApril 21, 1988 (herein collectively referred to as the “1988 Agreements.”)B. The Amendatory IGA will be referred to the voters of both Denver County and Adams County atthe November 3, 2015 state coordinated election. In the event the voters in either or both countiesdisapprove the agreement on that date, the Amendatory IGA may be re-submitted at theNovember 8, 2016 state general election for voter approval in the county or counties where themeasure was previously defeated.C.
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The ballot questions submitted to the voters in Adams County and Denver County will becompatible, with the voters in each county being asked to approve the Amendatory IGA. Theballot question in Denver County will additionally include language binding the city to a“multiple fiscal year financial obligation” to share tax revenue as described below.D. Upon approval by the voters in both Denver County and Adams County, the Amendatory IGAwill become effective on the January 1 following the approval in both counties.II. Preservation of the existing 1988 AgreementsExcept as specifically set forth below, all the terms and conditions of the 1988 Agreements (includingby way of example but not limitation, the noise provisions, restrictions on residential development,the hotel formula, restrictions on land use in relation to the Scenic Buffer, and provisions related toaccess roads) will remain in full force and effect. Denver will retain the authority to developAccessory Uses and natural resources located anywhere on the New Airport Site to the extent allowedby the 1988 Agreements and all other rights it has those agreements.III. Amendments regarding land use restrictionsThe 1988 Agreements will be amended as follows:A. Fifteen-hundred acres located on the New Airport Site or in the Transportation Corridor north of72ndAve. will be released in perpetuity from the land use restrictions contained in the 1988Agreement. Denver will exercise sole discretion to determine when and where to utilize thefifteen-hundred acres and create Development Parcels at DIA, subject only to the followingrestrictions: (1) residential development will be prohibited on this acreage; (2) businesses thatwould potentially compete with current and future business and institutional land uses at theAnschutz Medical Campus and the Fitzsimmons Life Science District in Aurora will be